How to rent on Easy Renter ?

1Select your region

With Easy Renter, renting is easy, secure and quick. First, select the geographical area you wish to search in. In order to do this, navigate using the menu at the top of the page or using the interactive map shown below.

2Choose your vehicle

Once you have selected your region, you will be taken to a catalogue showing all of the vehicles available to rent. Key information plus pictures of the bikes will help you make your choice. If you see something you like, click on the bike or the scooter to access more information and to continue with your reservation.

3Select your dates and equipment

Once you are on the motorbike page, you can enter the start and end dates for your rental period in the calendar provided. If the leaser is also offering equipment for rental, you will have the option of adding equipment to your reservation (helmet, luggage, GPS, etc.) To continue with your reservation, click on “Confirm your reservation”.

Select date renting motorcycle

4Finalise your reservation

To open the reservation form, you will need to enter an email address. Once this has been submitted, you must then complete the form using your personal details or, alternatively, you can pre-load your details by logging into your personal account.

last step renting motorbike

Your details will be used in order to generate your rental contract, saving you time when you go to pick up your vehicle.

Before completing the form, you must tick the box stating that you agree to our terms and conditions for reservations, that you possess the required permit and that you are of legal age, before selecting a method of payment. Then, complete your reservation by clicking on “Finalise your reservation”.

last step renting motorbike

Once your reservation has been finalised, you will be sent 2 emails: the reservation confirmation and an email containing additional information relating to your rental. Find out more about rental pick-up and return on the following page.


Contact us !

For more information on how Easy Renter works, just get in touch! Feel free to phone us on (no extra charge for calls).

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